NORC, Round 1, Pickering (17-18/04/2022)
Sun, 17 Apr
|Round 1, Pickering, North Yorkshire
Entry will OPEN on Friday 11th March at 19:00. First round of the NORC championship will take place at the ever popular Pickering venue located in North Yorkshire. This venue has a great mix of fast flowing tracks with a few technical section thrown in to keep all the drivers busy.

Time & Location
17 Apr 2022, 10:00 – 18 Apr 2022, 17:00
Round 1, Pickering, North Yorkshire, Spaunton Quarry, York YO62 6NF, UK
About the Event
Welcome to the first round of the Northern Off Road Club. This will take place at Pickering and will form part of the Northern Off Road Club championship. This will be the first event to check all the winter improvements have made gains in lap time on the track. This is a rock quarry and consists of gravel tracks with a few grassy sections mixed in. Please see below for an event schedule.
RTV Trial All Day.
Scrutineering - 10:00 - 17:00
Signing on - 16:00 -18:00
Scrutineering - 08:00 - 09:00
Signin on - 08.00 - 09.00
Marshals’ Briefing at Control - 08:30
Drivers’ Briefing at Control (drivers only MUSTattend) - 09:00
Drive Round (Optional) £5 - 09:15 (Latest 09:25)
Course Live = 10:00
Number of Runs = 8 Runs
Course Live = 09:00
Number of Runs = 7 Runs
Provisional results issued by = 16:05
Final Results = 16.35
Run 1Start Time - 10:00
Run 2Start Time - 11:00
Run 3Start Time - 12:00
Run 4Start Time - 13:00
Run 5Start Time - 14:00
Run 6Start Time - 15:00
Run 7Start Time - 16:00
Run 8Start Time - 17:00
Course Close - 18:00
Run 9Start Time 09:00
Run 10Start Time 10:00
Run 11Start Time 11:00
Run 12Start Time 12:00
Run 13Start Time 13:00
Run 14Start Time 14:00
Run 15Start Time 15:00
Course Close - 16:00
Camping Pass
NORC, 2022, Round 1, Pickering, Camping Pass
£10.00+£0.25 service feeSale endedSingle Driver Entry
NORC, 2022, Round 1, Pickering, (No Camping)
£195.00+£4.88 service feeSold OutSingle Driver Entry + Camping
NORC, 2022, Round 1, Including Camping
£205.00+£5.13 service feeSale endedDouble Driver Entry + Camping
NORC, 2022, Round 1, Including Camping
£215.00+£5.38 service feeSold OutDouble Driver Entry
NORC, 2022, Round 1, (No Camping)
£205.00+£5.13 service feeSold OutSeason Package Entries
NORC, 2022, Round 1, Pickering, 1 Day Entry Only (This Entry will not allow you to acrue any Championship Points)
£0.00Sold Out1 Day Entry (Monday Only)
NORC, 2022, Round 1, Monday Racing Only
£125.00+£3.13 service feeSold Out